LARRY WOODS Master Stone Cutter
The center stones pictured above are both Green Tourmalines cut by Larry Woods
Coming soon to the "Hall of Gems and Minerals" at the Smithsonian Nation National History Museum in Washington, DC, the Havey Tourmaline showcases Larry Woods' master stone cutting skills.
With over 30 years of gem cutting experience, Larry Woods has won an impressive number of awards in the jewelry industry. AGTA, the most prestigious gem association and "the voice of the colored gemstone industry" alone, has awarded Larry nine AGTA Cutting Edge Awards.
Custom Abstract Organic Gem Carvings
Cuprian Chalcedony
Arizona Fire Agate
Australian Opal
Blue Moonstone
Blue Chalcedony Drusy
University of Arizona
The University of Arizona currently features some of Larry Woods' work in their Modern Gem and Jewelry Collection exhibit presented by Somewhere in the Rainbow.
Gem Gallery
Rough Havey Tourmaline
Nigerian Neon Tourmaline
Faceted Havey Tourmaline
Pala, CA Pink Tourmaline (Exclusive)
NIgerian Pink Tourmaline
Nigerian Neon Tourmaline
Nigerian Aquamarine
Havey Quarry Mine (Exclusive)
2009 Winner AGTA 1st Place Carving
2006 Winner AGTA 1st Place Combination Cut
2008 Winner AGTA 2nd Place Combination Cut
2004 Winner AGTA 2nd Place Combination Cut
2007 Winner AGTA 3rd Place Carving
2004 Winner AGTA 2nd Place Pairs & Suites
2006 WInner AGTA 1st Place Carving
Spiral Cut TM Citrine by Larry Woods
Pendant and Ring Mountings Designed by Stacia Woods
Four Directional Oval TM Aquamarine Center Stone and
Medicine Wheel TM Aquamarine Studs by Larry Woods